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Island is a non profit art space, opened in 2012 by Belgian artists
Sébastien Bonin and Brice Guilbert. Since its opening, Island’s aim
has been to promote artists and their work through exhibitions, conferences,
screenings, etc. Mainly focusing on the belgian scene, Island has been presenting emerging artists.
Island also collaborates with established artists to encourage the transmission of skills
and experience/best practice. Island is a place for sharing and creating contemporary propositions.
It is also a space where artists are allowed to experiment, not constrained by a curatorial lead.
This allows for a multitude of propositions to emerge,
often antithetical and opposite. Therefore, every exhibition is unique,
conceived according to its own criteria without referencing previous projects.

Director & Curator: Emmanuelle Indekeu

Former co-director from 2014 - 2017 Anne-Catherine Lacroix
Former interns: Antoine Coullet, Anita Figueredo, Marta del Sasso, Emma Caffot, Giulia Menegale, Hélène Jacques, Valérie Buckenmeyer, Maude Willaerts, Manon Ceyssel, Manuela Kokanovic, Louise Fourny & Céline Guelton.

Island, 69 rue Général Leman, 1040 Brussels

Island is supported by Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Fondation Roi Baudouin, COCOF and Drogenbos Brewery.

FédérationWB COCOF drogenbos, brasserie, brewery